Interviews & Reportage

This is a collation of the most interesting interviews I’ve carried out over the last two decades, with writers, philosophers, activists and others, plus some of the reportage from Britain and abroad that still seems interesting and relevant.

Interview: Doug & Kris Tompkins

In Patagonia, the entrepreneurs-turned-deep green conservationists discuss collapse, extinction, Dark Mountain and getting your ass in gear. 2012.


Still Waters Run Deep

A small group of nature-lovers versus a very big power company, in the heart of southern England. Who came out on top? 2006.

Interview: Glyn Hughes

The final interview with the late Yorkshire poet and novelist, who described his work as ‘a protest on behalf of nature.’ 2011.


Rape of a Nation

The article that launched the Free West Papua Campaign. The Papuan people are victims of a systemic attempted genocide. Why is no-one listening? 2005.

Interview: Common Ground

A conversation with Sue Clifford and Angela King, the most interesting environmental activists that you’ve never heard of. 2007.


Tasmanian Devilry

A journey through the old-growth rainforests of Tasmania, meeting the people working to save them, and those paid to log them. 2004.

Interview: The Yes Men

Hank Hardy Unruh explains why his giant golden penis is the best way to bring down the World Trade Organisation. 2002.


Interview: David Attenborough

I talk to the reluctant national institution about extinction, beauty, green scaremongering, the Europan Union and ring-necked parakeets. 2001.

Interview: Noam Chomsky

The leading left-intellectual talks about growing global divides, growing global movements and why he doesn’t like intellectuals. 2002.


Shadows in the Kingdom of Light

In the Himalayan kingdom of Ladakh, modernity is being subtly reconsidered. 2000.

Interview: José Bové

The French farmer and rural activist talks about bulldozing McDonalds and the destruction of agriculture by globalisation. 2001.


Interview: Arundhati Roy

At the writer’s home in New Delhi we talk about India, dams, fiction, expectations and the price of ‘progress.’ 2000.